Marc Philipp Gabriel
- Fellow 2019
- Choreograf, lebt in Berlin
- Kooperationspartner: Dançando com a Diferença dance company, Portugal
Marc Philipp Gabriel ist ein Performancekünstler aus Berlin, der sich mit Körper, Stimme, Installation, Video und Architektur aus der Perspektive von Tanz und Bewegung beschäftigt. Sein Fellowship-Kooperationspartner ist die Dançando com a Diferença Tanzkompanie (Portugal), die mit körperlich und geistig beeinträchtigten Menschen aller Altersgruppen zusammenarbeitet. Marc wird Einblicke in ihre Auffassung von Tanz und ihre Arbeitsweise gewinnen, um sein Verständnis für das gemeinsame Schaffen kreativer Räume mit Menschen mit Behinderung zu vertiefen und um seine Wahrnehmung und Sensibilität gegenüber der künstlerischen Arbeit mit all unseren Körpern zu verbessern.
Marcs Berichte
„There is a refreshing candidness and honesty that drew us to Marc Gabriel's approach. Through his work one sees clear intimacy in his own search, taking the risk of an experimental form with a high social accent. As expressed in his statement, Gabriel declares “I am learning to cultivate being honest to my own needs (which eventually has lead me to dance!) and to see not-fitting-in as a strength rather than weakness. I often tell people that I love dance “because you can’t fake anything without everybody noticing”. Pretending something to yourself is pointless, so for me dance practice is practicing honesty in life. That’s why I love the motto “We dance with the body, not despite of the body” of Dançando com a Diferença. We are curious to see how the time spent with his chosen partner will inform and influence his approach and crafting of his own work, in terms of enriching his skills as well as widening his perspectives. We are hopeful that it will translate into further and compelling ways of expressing Marc’s deep humanity.“
- Aus der Jury-Begründung