Portrait Martha Hincapie Charry
© Rudi Bär

Martha Hincapié Charry

  • Fellow 2019
  • Choreografin, lebt in Berlin
  • Kooperationspartner: Carlos Castaño Uribe / Kogui, Wiwa, Arhuaco & Kankumano Gemeinschaft

Martha Hincapié Charry

Martha Hincapié Charry ist eine kolumbianische Choreografin, Tänzerin, Performerin und künstlerische Leiterin. Sie lebt in Berlin. Sie hat Tanz zuerst in Kolumbien studiert, bevor sie ihr Studium in Tanztheater und Solotanz an der Folkwang Hochschule (Essen) abschloss. Sie wird ihr Stipendium in Sierra Nevada verbringen, wo sie die Rhythmen der vier indigenen Gemeinschaften, die Teil der Tairona-Kultur sind, verfolgen und neue Tänze, Intentionen und Philosophien erlernen wird, welche die Rituale und kollektiven Bewegungen aufrechterhalten, die bei Zeremonien, Opfergaben und Feierlichkeiten praktiziert werden.

Marthas Berichte

Carlos und Martha in Nabuzimake
Carlos und Martha in Nabuzimake

„Martha Hincapié Charry is seeking to connect to her roots through a human encounter in the current context of a native indigenous community of her home country, Colombia. Exploring their traditional dance forms, at the edge of western civilization seems to be an answer to this sense of urgency. She expresses that her proposal “is the result of my choreographic interests since the subject of the indigenous pre-colonial traditions is part of my previous research. The importance of integrating this knowledge in my practice as a choreographer is given not only by the fact that it is endangered but also because it is rare to get access to it since they perform their ceremonies and celebrations privately. In the dialogues we have had, the groups Kogi and Wiwa have been open and interested in the fact of having an outsider witness of their dances”. We, the jury, felt it was important to seize this rare opportunity of a welcoming encounter with these native communities of Colombia and encourage and support this unique and potentially precious exchange through the medium of dance.“

- Aus der Jury-Begründung