© Antonio Ssebuuma

Workshops in Wuppertal

Freitag, 26. Januar 2018
14.00-17.00 Uhr
Café Ada, Wiesenstr. 6, 42105 Wuppertal

Im Anschluss an ihre Fellowship-Aufenthalte in Neuseeland und New York kommen die Stipendiaten Antonio und Shika im Januar zurück nach Wuppertal. In einem dreistündigen Workshop möchten sie Einsicht in ihre Arbeit als Tanzkünstler geben und Ideen mit anderen jungen, lokalen Tänzer*innen und Studierenden austauschen. Komm und triff Antonio und Shika!

Antonio über den Workshop:
_The workshop will draw on a recent trend in Uganda encompassed under the umbrella of the phrase ‘traditional meets urban dance’. The workshop will act as a space where a fusion between traditional Ugandan dance and urban dance techniques (e.g- Hiphop) will be explored. During this investigation, I aim to share how my community dance background guides my approach to teaching and learning, as the participants and I engage in movements and cultural narratives. Through discussion and practical activities, the workshop will expose participants to a first-hand experience of how dance can create new youth communities and identities in urban areas in East Africa._

Shika über den Workshop:
_„Dance is a constant dialogue“ - The motivation behind dancing is definitely the joy of free movement. Therefore, my aim in this workshop is to build a temporary environment for exchanges, learning and a free space for expression - by providing alternative contemporary movement forms from my ongoing investigation of contemporary dance by internal impulse from being a Nubian Egyptian African. In the workshop we will blend several styles and energies, essentially motivated and influenced from African dance(s) (Nubian, West African, Zimbabwean and South African) and Western dance styles._

Im Anschluss an den Workshop laden wir alle Teilnehmer ein, sich bei Kaffee und Kuchen auszutauschen.

Meld dich an bis zum 10. Januar 2018.